本文将由亚远景科技为您带来ISO/SAE21434网络安全PART 6与ASPICE管理域具体条款Mapping解读(五)Component Out-of-context。
1.ISO/SAE21434网络安全PART 6与ASPICE管理域具体条款Mapping解读(五)Component Out-of-context
ISO/SAE21434 6.4.5 Component Out-of-context
[RQ-06-18] Assumptions on the intended use and context, including the external interfaces, for a component developed out-of-context shall be documented in the corresponding work products对应用于独立组件开发的预期用途和环境的假设,包括外部接口,应被记录在相应的工作产品中
[RQ-06-19] For the development of a component out-of-context, the cybersecurity requirements shall be based on the assumptions of [RQ-06-18]对独立组件的开发,网络安全需求应基于[RQ-06-18]的假设
[RQ-06-20] For the integration of a component developed out-of-context, the cybersecurity claims and assumptions of [RQ-06-18] shall be validated对独立开发的组件的集成,应对网络安全申明和[RQ-06-18]的假设进行验证
MAN.3 BP1 Define the scope of work
Identify the project‘s goals, motivation and boundaries.
SYS.1 Requirements Elicitation
SEC.4 Risk Treatment Validation
SEC.1 Cybersecurity Requirements Elicitation
GP2.1.1 Identify the objectives for the performance of the process 识别过程绩效目标
Assumptions and constraints are considered when identifying the performance objectives.
NOTE 1: Performance objectives may include
(1) timely production of artifacts meeting the defined quality criteria,
(2) process cycle time or frequency
(3) resource usage; and
(4) boundaries of the process.
以上就是亚远景科技带来的ISO/SAE21434网络安全PART 6与ASPICE管理域具体条款Mapping解读(五)Component Out-of-context。