本文将由亚远景科技为大家带来用于汽车产品研发的敏捷原则Agile Principles for Automotive(上)。
1.Customer Satisfaction First
Our highest priority is to satisfy our customers through early andcontinuous delivery of valuable and usable system functions.
2.Welcome Changing Requirements
Requirement changes are mastered, prioritized and systematicallyintegrated into our continuous development work. Agile processes make useof changes to the competitive advantage of the customer.
3.Frequent Delivery
We deliver regularly usable and enhanced system features, preferringshorter time periods within a few weeks or months.
4.Business and Development Working Together
Experts from all domains should collaborate intensively during productdevelopment.
以上就是亚远景科技为大家带来的用于汽车产品研发的敏捷原则Agile Principles for Automotive(上)。